Spotlight: Jack Hubble
on July 26th, 2024
I came to Amarillo 2 years ago. After 2 months of “church shopping” God clearly pointed me to the Loft through my Mom. She sent me a link to their website and I decided to go check it out. From the moment I walked in, I felt the love of Christ all around me through the people that greeted me and got to know me. It has been a crazy 2 years after moving 1000 miles away from home and family back in ...  Read More
Spotlight: Amber Viner
on July 12th, 2024
My testimony is something I used to never talk about. I used to feel unworthy and judged because of it and I felt like a failure. But I have learned that God puts us through things for a reason and my journey has not been easy but so worth it! My testimony started July 25th, 2018. Infertility is the hardest thing I have ever been through. It’s mentally draining, depressing, and physically hard on ...  Read More
Spotlight: Tamara Packard
on November 11th, 2023
Three years ago, Ray and I started going to the Loft Church. I had faithfully attended a mega church here in town for 10 plus years. The reason I changed churches was because I always said “if I died tomorrow I want my pastor to know my name, who I was”.Ray and I stepped into the Loft Church on January 5, 2020, and we never looked back. We knew we were home. Saying we love our church family is an ...  Read More
Spotlight: Greg Pickens
on September 15th, 2023
Trusting God. Anyone who knows me, knows, I am a worker. I was raised to be a hard worker. To show up and work each day and to be on time. For every job I have held I have always found myself moving to the top in a management role. For over twenty years I have had 2 jobs that I held the same fields. I was either a Production Manager or a Maintenance Manager. These were jobs that most people would ...  Read More
Spotlight: Renae Miller
on August 25th, 2023
Let me tell you about the redemption love of Jesus in my life.16 years ago I found myself addicted to drugs. I would ask the Lord every day; to please deliver me from this addiction. I was totally lost. Hurting and devastated over losing my grandmother. You see I was raised in church all my life. All I knew was Jesus; I just didn't know him as my Savior yet. I was a hot mess, everything I had ever...  Read More
Spotlight: Doug Sims
on August 11th, 2023
GOD is always faithful, no matter how faithful we are.  HE is always there ready to direct and encourage us.  Lately, GOD has been showing me (through HIS WORD), that all we have (I mean everything) is a gift from HIM.  If we really look into HIS word, we realize HE gives us the gift of grace (Eph 2:8), the gift of salvation (Eph 2:8), the gift of faith (Eph 2:8), the gift of wisdom (James 1:5), t...  Read More
Spotlight: Samantha Malatesta
on July 28th, 2023
The Lord has been reminding me of the words He put on my heart at the beginning of this year, surrender and obedience. Surrendering control is what the Lord is sweetly reminding me of in this season. “How will these tasks get done without me?”, “But what if this new opportunity doesn’t work out?”, “Is God really calling me to this?” are a few questions I’ve asked myself lately. Fear is what was dr...  Read More
Spotlight: Stephanie Jenkins
on July 14th, 2023
What is God doing in my life?For a while now God has been talking to me and showing me through different situations how to fully trust him and worship him through all circumstances. That message was fully driven home recently.When the tornados hit Perryton, Tx recently I was devastated. This was my hometown where I was born and raised. I had only just moved from there to Amarillo 2 years ago. My s...  Read More
Spotlight: Janea Robinson
on June 7th, 2023
"I just want people to know that God is good, and He carried me through, all the way home." -Janea Robinson  Read More